Get to Know Me

Over the last few years, I have attended several meetings for our county government, and it became evident that a change was needed!

I believe that my life experiences have prepared me to excel as your Madison County Commissioner.

I am a life-long Madison County resident. My husband, John, and I own and operate a grain and livestock farm east of Alexandria. In addition to owning my own business, I have been involved in various organizations and served in many leadership roles. My most significant life experiences have come from my role as a wife, Mom and Nana.

Through these experiences, I have developed the qualities necessary to make a positive impact as a commissioner. I am an honest and hardworking person, who has the county’s best interest in mind. As commissioner, it is imperative to thoroughly research the issues at hand and listen to citizens’ concerns and ideas. I know that in order to be a dependable representative and to fulfill the role of Madison County Commissioner, it is important to be prepared for the meetings and attend the meetings.

I also know the importance of working with people in a respectful and civil way. I have demonstrated this throughout the different positions I have held, and have worked with people of various ages, backgrounds, and positions.

I am confident that I would be a valuable asset on the Madison County Board of Commissioners. I greatly appreciate your support, and I look forward to being a voice for change and a voice for you!

Vision for Madison County

Effective Communication

Plan: Listen to taxpayers’ voices and allow citizens to be heard
through public comment.

Save Taxpayers’ Money

Plan: End unnecessary lawsuits that result in legal fees and fines/settlements.

Protect Property Rights

Plan: Follow the Madison County Comprehensive Plan 2035, which took 2 years to complete and was funded by taxpayers’ dollars.

Appoint Qualified Citizens to County Boards

Plan: Develop and implement a standardized application process for board appointments.

Resolve Taxpayers’ Drainage Concerns

Plan: Acknowledge and address a taxpayer’s drainage concerns; impose the regulations as they pertain to maintenance and repairs of drains.

Improve the 911 Dispatch Center

Plan: Work with cities to develop and implement a usage agreement; this will insure that payment for the services is being received by the county.

Madison County Jail Project

What is a County Commissioner?

Contact Information


Phone: 765-620-5971


I appreciate your support as I run for Madison County Commissioner! Monetary donations of any size are helpful!

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